Whistleblower Policy

The Corporations Act 2001  and The Taxation Administration Act 1953  both contain protections for whistleblowers.

The Australian Christian Gospel Mission Churches (CGM) are committed to protecting whistleblowers by operating in accordance with applicable legislation and regulation, and in line with recognised ethical principles.

Members are expected to cooperate with CGM Australia in maintaining legal and ethical operations. Members are also encouraged to become whistleblowers by reporting non-compliant actions by other people.

The purpose of this policy is to :

  1. Help ensure CGM Australia maintains the highest standards of ethical behaviour and integrity

  2. Encourage the reporting of matters that may cause harm to individuals, groups or CGM churches.

  3. Enable CGM Australia to deal with reports from whistleblowers in a way that protects their privacy as far as possible.

  4. Establish policies for protecting whistleblowers against reprisal by any person internal or external to the CGM Australia

Where a member of CGM churches believes that another member/leader/volunteer has breached a law, the code of conduct, or improper or unethical behaviour, that person may report their concern to :

  • The Head Leader of their church;

  • The Head Leader of another CGM Australia Church;

  • A leader of CGM Australia headquarters; or

  • A leader of the International Ministry of the Global CGM.

The person making their concerns known must not suffer because of their reporting.

A leader who receives a disclosure of illegal or corrupt behaviour must ensure that the allegation is investigated, a finding is made, and the person making the allegation is informed of the finding.

Any such investigations shall observe the rules of natural justice and the provisions of procedural fairness.